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tirsdag 28. februar 2012

I learned a lot from making this today. Here is two of the creatures found in the forrests covering most of the planet.

Moar scenery for the big project.

Another sketch I did on the train. I am not sure how the abstract should look yet so it looks like some cheap alien stuff so far but it won't stay that way.

One of the four environments I did today on the train. heres a cave entrance I might use for concept art later.

Yet another conept sketch for my project. Been doing some environments lately.

søndag 26. februar 2012

My little project is shaping up fast! Here is yet another taste from my sketchbook: Two of the diferent kind of people in my side project. Here we have the CastOuts, known for beeing affected by dark fantasy, they are granted moar powers if they proov worthy, drunk on power they roam around capturing monsters and people to tame and enslave. And the notorious Outlanders, thrown out of the city for diferent reasons, they have shapen their own small colonies troughout the ruin city and mountains, they are exelent marksmen and the best survivers there is.

moar on the story as it develops.

fredag 24. februar 2012

Concept sketch for Rayn, yet another side character I'm working on.

Concept for Tetram, one of the side characters in my little project. I need to work moar on his robot arm and mask...

torsdag 23. februar 2012

I just might paint this later. if done right it could end up as a pretty cool picture about contrast...
Weapon study time!

søndag 19. februar 2012

fredag 17. februar 2012

Some nightmareish creatures. Going to make a really disturbing one for some conceptual art for this little project of mine... I still don't have a name for my disturbing story...

Still trying to find my main character...

torsdag 16. februar 2012

A little old but I like it.

Something cute for a change hehe.

"People living deeply have no fear of death"
Anais Nin.

Wanted to draw this since I began studying illustration.

Female version of the hero. Another rough sketch.
Here is the basic idea for the hero. This is very roughly done but this is just for the impression.

Heres another mind map from the dream. The hero of my story.

I woke up in the middle of the night from a nightmare. But I did not wake up from fear but from inspiration so I emediantly started doodling down everything I remembered and added lots of ideas to it.

mandag 6. februar 2012

Tried out a new comic style again, this time I drew Harley Quinn from the Batman series.

Another character from the train. I like to try to collect peoples personallity for later use. This guy could be the beginning of a super villain perhaps?
I always imagine how people at the train would look like as characters. Like this girl today, she was totally a fish! 

So this is how most of my sketch books look. quick and rough sketches all over.

fredag 3. februar 2012

A little tribute to Salvador Dali. I love the strange feeling I get from watching his elephants.