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lørdag 31. mars 2012

Sketch for Söp's worst enemy. Originally he was a grashopper but I decided to add moar story into the whole thing so I introduce the Botanic, the goblins of Thermellas forest. These goblins are made out of creatures and plantlife, this enemy is supposed to be a grashopper mixed with a root of some kind.

Bad guy concept for the Sop universe.

What started as a painting test ended up in me understanding and learning a lot more about the whole concept and prosess of painting. This acrylic thing teached me a lot so I will continue experimenting with paint, perhaps this is how I am ment to bring colour to my work?

onsdag 21. mars 2012

lørdag 17. mars 2012

I am getting more fokused and pay more attention to details and it pays of! I start to see a style of my own shaping slowly here...

torsdag 15. mars 2012

Background concept for a motion comic. Studying and learning from Bob rafei's concept art for Naugthy Dog.

Concept sketch for a motion comic project at school.

fredag 2. mars 2012

A two minute sketch of a possible frontpage for my project.

Not sure why but I really like this sketch. Death is rather fun to illustrate!

torsdag 1. mars 2012

Sketches of Eden for my Black Blood project.

A sketch of an Eather, the largest type of creature in my Black Blood project.