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søndag 26. august 2012

A couple more Viking sketches, here are a couple characters I will work out a little more. I might even have a main character in the early stages right here.

The first draft of the map over North Normania, the land where this my Viking book will take place. I will make a simplifyed version in colours as soon as I get further with the overall style of the project.

lørdag 18. august 2012

Here's a concept sketch for a childrens book I want to make.
I think I shall try inking these and try to colour them in photoshop, perhaps the result looks more promising?

torsdag 16. august 2012

This was actually pretty fun making, it started as a simple sketch on the train on my way to school, I tried to add just random lines here and there, eventually it started to take form and even tho it looked like something I'd usually throw away I was curious in what this would turn into if I just kept drawing on it. The result is pretty cool in my opinion, for once my drawing look a little alive and full of energy.

Getting better with details every day now, and faster with the pencil as well. Took about one or two minutes to draw this mushroom with the style I spent ages on working with before.

After I sketched down this beetle I figured it was missing something, as I tried to improve the sketch I discovered some undetected skills with ink!
I am already trying to create the perfect style with ink, so that I can finally feel my book idea comming to life.

testing out some mixed styles, trying to design a couple goblins.

torsdag 9. august 2012

This cartoony style would look a lot better if I took the time to colour it. But digital coloring and painting is still a big bump in my way and I will try to learn it propperly the upcoming year.

A bunch of small sketches, this is the type I make to warm up or enter "creative mode" as I call it. I do a lot of these while traveling as well.

tirsdag 7. august 2012

Tried to draw two children running around in the streets of the apocalypse. This was a rather quick drawing and I did not pay much attention to the kids but more to the environment. in the background there is supposed to be buildings but I managed to use spray glue instead of fixative on the drawing so I had to edit away almost half of the drawing.
Still messing around with concepts. I take a lot of inspiration from Bob Rafei's work, and I will study more of his work to see if I can find a solution to my digital painting problems.

Anatomy / basic shape of a hero character I'm creaating. This is going to be a part of a concept art project I started the other day where I will try to create a set of complete artwork for a game I made up. Quite fun and I have already learned a lot.

Detail from an abstract painting I'm working on. I have failed painting this piece three times now, every time it looks terrible so I start over and over, hopefully some day I can paint exactly what I see in my mind.

Nothing is more fun than putting together lots of weird stuff and see what you get!

trying to get better at drawing constructions, this quick sketch of a stone wall was a good way to get started as I learned more about dimentions and effects with shading.