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tirsdag 20. mai 2014

søndag 18. mai 2014

Not exactly Sailor Jerry quality but still fun to draw like this.
I think this one has a little charm to it if you remove the text. 

I sketched a guy trying to sell me LSD.
He was one of the most hysterical characters I've seen all my life. 

fredag 9. mai 2014

Another illustration for my local newspaper!

Link to the article it was used in:

tirsdag 6. mai 2014

I like the results I get with dotwork, starting to get the hang on it too I think.

søndag 4. mai 2014

The original here is about 33x30cm big and took more or less seven hours to complete.
Second version.
Third version.

fredag 2. mai 2014

Trying out some dotwork. With some more training I could try drawing some tattoos.

torsdag 1. mai 2014